UGAT congratulates our member, Dr. Christian Rosales of the University of the Philippines Los Baños, for winning the prestigious 2023 Virginia A. Miralao Excellence in Research Award (VAMERA), conferred by the Philippine Social Science Council (PSSC).
UGAT has officially endorsed Dr. Rosales’ paper to the VAMERA after it was chosen by an an-hoc committee who has reviewed a couple of submissions from UGAT members. Dr. Rosales is the second UGAT nominee in a row to have received the award, after Dr. Gideon Lasco won the same award last year.
UGAT members are invited to attend the conferment of the award and the public lecture of his winning paper, "Pigs and ritual hunting among the highland Tau-Buhid in Mts. Iglit-Baco natural park, Philippines" in his home institution in the University of the Philippines Los Baños, on 18 April 2023, 1:00 PM.
Please check out PSSC’s Facebook page for updates.

Image source: PSSC’s Facebook page.